The world is witnessing technological advancement at a breakneck pace, and AI undoubtedly is the major game-changer behind these breakthrough advancements. AI’s involvement is so common in our lives that we don’t even notice it. From Netflix personal recommendations to Siri making phone calls for you, AI allows us to do all this. Most of the AI uses you see are now done by Artificial Narrow Intelligence or ANI.

Scroll down to explore ANI’s exciting world and its exceptional use cases, applications, and benefits.

What is Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI)?

Narrow AI combines two words; AI and Narrow. AI is the technology that simulates human behavior in machines with the help of various algorithms, whereas the term Narrow means to limit something. In short, Narrow AI means implementing the AI but with a narrow range of capabilities. For example, facial recognition, playing chess, self-driving cars, etc.

An Artificial Narrow Intelligence system (ANI) is designed to perform a single task or a limited set of tasks.

What is Artificial Narrow Intelligence

In ChatGPT, we can see the marks of ANI — an AI that performs specific tasks. Moreover, it’s the most commonly used form of AI today. It is estimated that 99% of all AI applications are ANI systems. Also known as weak or narrow AI, it is not conscious, self-aware, or intelligent. it’s a focused and goal-oriented system, however.

Types of ANI System: A Closer Look

Typically, there are two major types of ANI; Reactive AI and Limited memory AI.

  • Reactive AI is the basic and simple version without any data storage capabilities. It can mimic the human mind’s behavior while responding to interpretations without prior experience. This type of ANI can only react to currently existing situations – hence “reactive.”
  • Limited Memory AI is quite the opposite of reactive AI regarding features. It’s more advanced, with great memory and data storage abilities. It allows machines to make precise interpretations using statistical data or real-life events. And since it utilizes a large amount of data, it offers more accurate outputs. A self-driving car is an existing example of limited memory AI.

However, ANI can be of many types, including:

  • Rule-based Systems: it’s a form of ANI system that follows predefined rules to perform a particular task.
  • Expert Systems: Perform tasks that typically require human proficiency, for instance, analyzing medical conditions or determining the optimal approach in a given situation.
  • Decision Tree System: Just use a tree-like structure to decide things by following a set of rules you already made.
  • Artificial Neural Networks: These AI systems are like the human brain – they can spot patterns and decide things based on what they see.
  • Genetic Algorithms: Using genetics and natural selection rules to improve performance over time.
  • Evolutionary Computation: Use the rules of evolution and natural selection to adjust and get even better at what ANI can do.
  • Fuzzy Logic Systems: To make decisions, fuzzy logic is used — it lets you work with information that’s not clear or exact.
  • Bayesian Network: Using probabilistic reasoning to make the decision — it’s like making an educated guess upon missing information.

Narrow AI vs General AI vs Super AI: What’s the Difference?

Artificial Intelligence has surely improved people’s living standard. The gradual integration of ANI into our daily lives, along with the advent of General AI and Super AI, puts us at the brink of realizing the full potential of this remarkable technology.

Nevertheless, its crucial to understand the key differences among these top-tier technologies that set them apart from each other.

types of artificial intelligence

In short, Narrow AI, General AI, and Super AI differ in definition, examples, capabilities, and limitations. While Narrow AI is designed to perform a specific task, General AI can perform any intellectual task, and Super AI can surpass human intelligence.

Narrow Artificial Intelligence Examples That Will Amaze You

As its name suggests, narrow AI systems don’t have general intelligence; they have specific or narrow intelligence. They can perform one task at a time. For example, an AI system that’s good at telling you how to drive from one point to another might not be capable enough to challenge your chess game. Furthermore, An AI system that can speak french to you probably won’t clean your house.

Here are a few narrow artificial intelligence examples disrupting the technological landscape.

  • Virtual Assistants like Siri by Apple, Alexa by Amazon, and Cortana by Microsoft utilize ANI-powered NLP systems to understand and respond to human voice commands.
  • Image Recognition Systems use narrow AI to make prediction tools for diagnosing diseases like cancer. It helps them diagnose the issues more precisely with human behavior cognition, replication, and reasoning.
  • Email Spam Filters are one of the best examples of Narrow AI. These filters use algorithms to predict which messages will likely be spam and send them to a spam folder.
  • Vision Recognition Systems used in self-driving cars.
  • Google’s RankBrain is another example of narrow AI that Google uses to sort results.
  • IBM’s Watson is capable of answering questions asked in natural language interpretations.
  • Netflix’s recommendations suggest shows based on your online activity and recently watched shows.

Despite weak intelligence, ANI can still automate your repetitive daily tasks and perform them very smartly, otherwise requiring your care and attention. However, like every other amazing technology with pros on one side, it also has some cons.

The Good and the Bad of ANI: What You Need to Know

ANI has both advantages and disadvantages. While it’s great for performing specific tasks quickly and accurately, on the other hand, it lacks flexibility and creativity, unlike humans. It’ll be interesting to see how businesses and organizations, despite its cons, leverages ANI technology in the future.

But first, Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of using ANI:


Following are the pros of ANI system:

advantages of artificial narrow intelligence

1. Readiness

One of the biggest advantages of ANI is its ability to perform tasks quickly and accurately. Unlike humans, ANI systems don’t get tired, bored, or distracted, so they can work around the clock without losing focus. For example, ANI-powered chatbots can answer customer queries instantly and without error, improving customer service efficiency.

2. Cost Saving

Another benefit of ANI is that it can be much cheaper than hiring human workers to perform the same tasks. ANI systems can be programmed to work autonomously, so they don’t require salaries, benefits, or time off. It can save businesses a lot of money in the long run. For example, ANI-powered systems can sort and categorize data, reducing the need for human data analysts.

3. Customization

ANI systems can be tailored to specific tasks, making them highly customizable. For example, ANI-powered language translation systems can be trained on specific languages to improve their accuracy, making them more effective than general-purpose translation tools.


Now, let’s go over the cons ANI has:

1. Less Flexible

While ANI is great at performing specific tasks, it lacks the flexibility and adaptability of human workers. ANI systems are only as good as the algorithms they’re based on. It means they can struggle with tasks that fall outside of their programming. For example, an ANI-powered image recognition system may struggle to identify objects in images it hasn’t been trained on.

2. Limited Creativity

ANI systems can’t think creatively or come up with new ideas on their own. They can only do what they’ve been programmed to do, which means they’re incapable of generating truly innovative solutions. An ANI-powered writing tool may be able to generate grammatically correct sentences. Still, it won’t be able to produce truly original content.

3. Lack of Emotional Intelligence

ANI systems don’t have emotional intelligence, so they can’t understand or empathize with human emotions. It can be a significant drawback when emotional intelligence is necessary, such as in healthcare or counseling. An ANI-enabled mental health chatbot may provide some helpful advice. Still, it won’t be able to truly connect with patients emotionally.

From Efficiency to Excellence: Top ANI Use Cases For Industries

Narrow Artificial Intelligence has a wide range of applications across industries. Here’s the list of top industry-wise use cases:


ANI-powered algorithms are revolutionizing the healthcare industry by providing doctors and medical professionals with accurate diagnoses and treatment plans. The ANI system developed by the AI health startup, Enlitic could accurately diagnose a patient’s lung cancer six months before human radiologists detected it. According to a study, ANI can even diagnose skin cancer with an accuracy rate of 95%.


The ANI system developed by the startup, Feedzai uses machine learning algorithms to analyze transactional data and identify fraudulent activity, preventing financial losses for banks and other financial institutions. Since it can analyze large amounts of transactional data, ANI helps the finance industry detect fraudulent activities. Also, a report by Juniper Research estimated that the use of ANI in the banking sector would generate savings of over $400 billion by 2023.


As per the IndustryWeek report, ANI can predict equipment failures with an accuracy rate of 86%. ANI-powered predictive maintenance is helping manufacturers identify equipment failures before they happen, reducing downtime and increasing efficiency.

Customer Service

ani in customer service

Hugging Face, the AI startup, developed an ANI enabled chatbot that accurately understands and responds to inquiries in natural language, improving customer satisfaction rates and reducing company costs.


ANI can assist farmers with various farming tasks, such as crop monitoring and pest control. For example, ANI can analyze crop images and identify if there’s any infection. Moreover, it can understand the pests so you can determine their most effective treatment.


The ANI-powered platform developed by the startup, Blueshift, analyzes customer behavior data to create personalized marketing campaigns that target each customer’s interests and preferences. Artificial narrow intelligence is helping marketers analyze customer data and create more personalized marketing campaigns.


ANI helps plan routes and manage traffic. For example, an AI system could optimize delivery truck routes and reduce fuel consumption.

These are just a few examples of how ANI is used in various industries. As ANI advances, we can expect to see even more innovative use cases.

Artificial Narrow Intelligence: What’s the Future?

ANI’s future looks promising, and we can expect even more developments and advancements in the years to come. Here are some of the future possibilities and expectations for ANI:

  • ANI algorithms will continue to improve in accuracy as more data is available for training and more advanced machine learning techniques are developed —leading toward even more accurate predictions, diagnoses, and decision-making.
  • It’ll become increasingly adopted across various industries, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and customer service, since it offers cost-saving solutions and better business outcomes.
  • ANI-powered technologies, such as chatbots, will continue to evolve and offer more personalized and natural user interactions.
  • It would be integrated with other AI technologies, such as computer vision and natural language processing, to create more sophisticated and intelligent systems.
  • ANI will continue to enhance automation capabilities and reduce the need for human intervention in tasks that can be automated, leading to more efficient processes and cost savings for businesses.

Also, if you want to leverage the power of ANI and transform your business, contact us now.


What’s amazing about Artificial Narrow Intelligence is that it has revolutionized different aspects of our lives. Especially if we talk about things like better decision-making, facial detection, and automation — all credit goes to ANI. Although there have been some challenges, however, the benefits are quite amazing.

Moreover, ANI is laying the groundwork for even more advanced AI in the future, like General Artificial Intelligence (GAI). It’s wild to think about all the possibilities it could bring.